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Some information about refuse and recycling tote removal

If you have left your garbage or recycling tote out in the tree lawn area, or near the road, a day or two too long, you may have received a warning notice from the Villlage. 

Per Codified Ordinance 955.10 and 955.11, the Village may remove your totes from the tree lawn area if they are left out until the Friday after garbage pickup, and charge you for the removal.

The Village sends a warning notice to give you a chance to keep your totes pulled back from the street. If you have repeat offenses, the Village will charge you $20 for the tote removal, a charge which appears on your water bill.

Sometimes, it is difficult to tell which residence or apartment the totes belong to. When removing the totes, the Village takes a picture of the totes’ location, and tries to match the totes up with the appropriate residence.

The Village does not want to be charging the wrong accounts for the tote removal; we’re sure you don’t want to be paying a charge for a tote removal when you have already moved your totes, but your neighbors totes ended up in front of your residence.

To avoid confusion, you can use a black marker to write your address on the totes that you use for your residence. Make the numbers and letters large and easy to read from a distance, so we can make sure we know what totes belong to which residence.

An easy way you can help keep your village free from litter is by making sure you bag your garbage, including your recycling materials.

When recycling pickup happens on a windy day, paper and lightweight materials may end up flying all over town. Who hasn’t seen an envelope, receipt, or some other lightweight recyclable material stuck in a tree, shrub, fence, or in storm drains? Showing a little pride in your community can happen simply by bagging your lightweight recyclables.

Totes need to be removed from the tree lawn area after refuse and recycling collection for a couple of reasons. First, and most importantly, is the safety aspect. If totes are in the street, or blocking visibility for both drivers and pedestrians, the risk of accident or injury increases.

Totes that are left out also can attract undesirable wildlife, and totes sitting out on the streets, sidewalks, and tree lawn areas takes away from the aesthetic appeal many people in our community work hard to maintain.

The Village of Ada publishes informational articles about Village policies and services currently offered. These articles are for informational purposes only. Further details and the complete Codified Ordinances may be found on the Village website,, or by calling the Village Offices at 419-634-4045.
