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Several Ada Boy Scouts recognized at Court of Honor

Ada Boy Scout Troop 124 recently held a court of honor to recognize those who have achieved their goals in the past few months.

They met at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in Ada. Korwin Kurtz, Senior Patrol Leader, served as the Master of Ceremony. Bugler, Theo Hardesty called Assembly on his bugle then began the flag ceremony with a Call to Colors. 

Patrol Leader, James Lee, led the troop in the Pledge of Allegiance with Donald Waters guiding them through the Boy Scout Oath.

Patrol Leader, Wyatt Rettig, led the Boy Scout Law. Kurtz then led the families and boys in a repeat after me song about his turtle. Troop Chaplain, Jeff Kurtz, opened the meeting in prayer.

There was a special visitor, Ron Risner, from Friends of Scouting there to educate the group on where the funds come from for the camps and camperships.

Kurtz then called various boys up to tell about events they have been working on. Jacob Butterfield, troop quartermaster, spoke about the Popcorn Seller’s Club event that was held at the Toledo Zoo for the top sellers.

Waters talked about their trip to the Allen County Museum and Log Cabin. Patrol Leader, Jared Hunt, informed the crowd about Scout Sunday that was held at Auglaize Bible Church and his participation in the ceremony.

Patrol Leader, Khyler Stoll, spoke about the Christmas party and Skating Merit Badge that the troop worked on at St. Mary’s Rollerdome. Isaac Spar, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, talked about the Klondike Derby that 7 of the scouts participated in, which they placed 12th out of 58 troops participating.

Lee and Rettig then talked about those who took the trip to Mad River Mountain for Scout Ski Day. Some snowboarded, some skied, and some tubed.

The top 4 popcorn salesmen received Wal-Mart gift cards as part of their prize packages and the boys were encouraged to continue selling their Elder Beerman coupon books to help them pay for summer camp.

Scoutmaster, Tom Lehman, made announcements about the weekend’s Polar Bear Campout at Camp Berry, their opportunity to volunteer at the Cub Scout Pinewood Derby, University of Scouting,  NYLT (National Youth Leadership Training) that would be coming up in early summer, Summer Camp, and their current merit badge of Personal Management which is being taught by Assistant Scoutmaster, David Savino.

Lehman then passed out awards:

• Issac Spar earned his woodworking and skating merit badges.
• Butterfield was giving his scouting heritage and skating merit badges.
• Hunt received his woodworking merit badge.
• Hardesty earned his woodworking and  cooking badge.
• Rettig got his merit badges for skating, woodworking, energy, and cooking.
• Stoll earned his skating and woodworking badges.
• Advancements were earned by two scouts, James Lee and Theo Hardesty were awarded the rank of first class. 

The evening came to a close with a skit prepared by a few of the scouts and snacks provided by Eagle Patrol.

Boy Scouting is a great opportunity for boys ages 11-18 to learn many useful life skills. If you or someone you know is interested in joining Boy Scouts please contact Scoutmaster Lehman.
