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Here’s an update on Ada Kiwanis Club

The Ada Kiwanis Club met on Tuesday March 24, at noon at the new Ada First United Methodist Church.
President John Berg called the meeting to order.

The Kiwanis membership anniversary of member Bill Fuller (March 26, 2009) was noted.

In brief business:
Treasurer Bryan Marshall updated members on club finances, including updates on the recently completed 63rd annual Pancake and Sausage Day.

The club will hold a joint meeting with the Ada Rotary on Tuesday March 31st at the O.N.U. Inn. Ada mayor David Retterer will be the guest speaker.

Club members are invited to attend a fun night tonight at the home of Bruce and Sandy Neely.

Following lunch, members joined Bob McCurdy on a guided tour of the newly completed Ada First United Methodist Church.

Upcoming Meetings/Activities:
March 31st: joint meeting with Ada Rotary
April 7th: business and board meeting
April 14th: brief business -program Heather Cox
April 21st: no business or program – service activity
April 28th brief business-program David MacDonald

The Ada Kiwanis meets at 12:00 noon each Tuesday in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
Visit the club’s Facebook page.
