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A third-period study hall interview with Tristan, Cole, Sidney, Luis and Jorge

15-minute interview with Tristan Waugh, Cole East, Sidney Faine, Luis Olvera and Jorge Reyes during third period study hall.

You are all seniors, what are your plans after high school?
Tristan: Probably will attend ONU or University of Toledo. I’m interested in mechanical engineering.
Cole: ONU, where I want to play soccer and major in physical therapy.
Sidney: I want to attend Defiance and play basketball.
Luis: I’m undecided, but want to go into business.
Jorge: I’m going to take a break from school and maybe attend later.

You’ve probably watched tons of movies. If you could name the worst one you ever saw, what would it be. You know, the one you would like to have your money back.
Paranormal Activity 4. They are all the same.
Cole: Minions. It just wasn’t for me.
Jorge: The Human Centipede 3. You just don’t want to watch it.
Sidney: In the Storm. I got dizzy watching.
Tristan: Twilight. My sisters hyped it up. It was awful.

What do you do for lunch, buy or pack? And what’s your favorite meal?
Buy. Chicken nuggets.
Luis: Buy. Bosco sticks – they are cheese-filled bread with marina sauce.
Sidney: Both. When I pack it’s a ham sandwich. When I buy it’s breakfast for lunch.
Tristan: Buy. Chicken sandwich.
Cole: Buy. Bosco sticks.

Tell me your detention stories:
I had one two years ago in Ag. It wasn’t a big deal.
Cole: When I was a freshman I favored a tweet. It turned out that about 15 minutes later 32 others tweeted it. The office discovered it and one by one named each of us over the PA to come to the office. Then we had a lecture about it.
Luis: That happened to me, but I “untweeted” it quickly and didn’t get caught.
Sidney: In sixth grade after an OAA test I started playing a board game in the classroom. I received a lunch detention.
Luis: Three detentions for picking up my phone on the teacher’s desk after it was taken away from me. I tried three times to get it back. The first detention was 45 minutes, the second one-hour and third one hour and 15 minutes.
Jorge: I was attending Bellmont High School in Los Angeles during this detention. As a freshman, in the first week of school some of my friends were kicking a soccer ball in the hallway. I kicked it and it hit a light.

Who’s the most famous person you ever saw?
When I lived in California I was walking near where movie stars were getting out of cars to go to the Oscars. I saw George Clooney. I also saw Ned from Classified TV show.
Cole: At the OSU-Penn State game this year I saw Zek Elliott get out of the team bus.
Jorge: While in California I watched the movie “Step Up.” It turns out that the entire cast was also watching the movie in the theatre.
Tristan: I haven't seen anyone famous.
Sidney: I haven't either.

And your worst grade ever was…
A 37 on a geometry test. I had no idea what the test was about.
Sidney: Geometry, I had a 60 on a test and it made me get a C on my grade card. My dad wasn’t happy.
Tristan: Zero on probably an 11-point English worksheet.
Jorge: This year in Government. No comment.
Luis: Geometry. I barely passed it.

Tell us about your favorite TP story.
(after lots of laughing). It was in the fifth grade. I was with Colten, Tristan, Deven and Jaden.
Tristan: No, I wasn’t there. Really, I wasn’t.
Cole: Anyway, we went to Kaylee Newton’s house. TPed the yard and the knocked on the door but Colten broke the screen on the door when he knocked. It was about 1 a.m. We all ran off and got lost in Ada.

How much music have you stored?
Luis: It’s on my phone. About 100 to 200 songs.
Cole: On my phone, probably a hundred.
Tristan: On my phone. Probably 100, including Love Shack and some other ‘80s and ‘90s tunes.
Sidney: On my IPod. Around 700, mostly Chris Brown.
Jorge: This is a sad story. My songs on are on my computer. I had about 1,000 and cleaned them off by accident. Now I’m back to about 500.

If you could take anyone in the world to a dinner in Ada, who would you invite and where would you eat?
Selena Gomez to El Campo.
Cole: Alex Morgan to Viva Maria’s.
Sidney: Tom Hardy to El Campo.
Luis: George Clooney (everyone laughs), to El Campo, my dad owns part of it.
Jorge: Ariana Grande and I’d take her to my house and make dinner.

Well, this is the first time I’ve ever interviewed five students at once. You were a great team to interview. Thanks and good luck in the rest of the year in school.
