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What are you reading?

For this Alger resident it's Amish fiction

By Darlene Bowers
The Ada Public Library and the Ada Icon have teamed up to share favorite books from readers of all ages all over the region. Fall is the perfect time to check into the library and check out some books. Follow the Ada Icon frequently to see who is reading what and grab some ideas for your next reading adventure.

"My grace is sufficient for thee. The words soothed her soul like a healing balm."
— J.E.B. Spredemann (An Unforgivable Secret)

Barbara Cline, homemaker, Alger

An Unforgivable Secret by J.E.B. Spredemann is Barbara Cline’s favorite book. “It is my favorite because secrets are hard to keep forever,” says Barbara. This book is the first in the Amish Secrets book series. It follows the saga of Hannah, a young Amish woman, who carries the burdens of tremendous heartache and shame, painful guilt, a betrayal, and the fear of a deep secret being discovered. In the face of tragedy, Hannah’s secret may be revealed.

The faith journey Hannah travels is the root of this book. “With getting some help from a professional and owning up to mistakes and getting the right words to the people involved and with God’s forgiveness you can live a full life” summarizes Barbara Cline. She also adds, “You will need tissues for this one!”

Barbara is currently reading Blue Ridge Sunrise by Denise Hunter. Other books Barbara Cline recommends are:

• Room on the Porch Swing by Amy Clipston (Amish fiction)
• A Seat at the Table by Joshua Halberstam (fiction)
• A Bazaar Murder by Amy Phipps (mystery fiction)
• Honeysuckle Dreams by Denise Hunter (romance fiction)