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Ada business on the move

Proof that lots of little stories make one large story about business in a small town

Ada business is on the move this summer.

Several little stories, when combined, make a larger story, showing that business  movement. Here’s some of the items mentioned at last week’s Ada Area Chamber of Commerce meeting relating to business in the community:

Jamie Hall, village administrator, announced that midnight swims at the Ada Pool are offered on Tuesdays.

He added that the Municipal Building will have a workable elevator soon and remodeling is continuing on the inside of the building.

Jodi Goodman, Midwest Rehab, said that Midwest recently hired an occupational therapy assistant.

Patty King, Quest Federal Credit Union, announced an update of its ATMs from Visa to MasterCard. Quest will have a new ATM in June.

Dave Dellifield, Ohio Northern University,  said that 5,000-6,000 campers are expected on campus this summer. Two of the four student orientations have taken place already this season.

Corsie Arn, Liberty National Bank, said the bank will celebrate National Hot Dog Day on Wednesday, July 17, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Jennifer Fincher, Community Health Professionals, announced CHP will soon offer a chronic pain clinic. Details coming.

Ruth Roider, The Gallery for the Arts, said that new postcards are available with nine scenes from Ada. Karen Ward took the photos for the project. Watch the Icon for additional details on the series.

Ada Historical Society will hold a picnic at shelter house 1 at the park at 4:30 p.m., Saturday, June 29, which is open to the public.  Dr. Karl Roider, and others will share "Tales of Ada,” at 6 p.m.
