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About the "Help Vote Ohio Dry" banner

The Icon recently posted a photo asking, "What's that banner over Main St.?" (view at Initially, we were more interested in figuring what it said, rather than why the banner was there.

Here's the backstory according to : There was a 1919 Ohio State Prohibition of Alcohol Referendum that was defeated 500,812 votes to 474,078 votes.

The Women's Christian Temperance Union sought to ban alcohol as a way to curb abuse by alcoholic husbands. Alcohol production was temporarily halted during World War I. In January 1920 alcohol was banned in the entire country with the ratification of the 18th Amendment. It wasn't until December of 1933 that the 21st amendment repealed Prohibition.

Have documentation about Ada area experiences of temperance societies or bootleggers? These and other story ideas can be sent to [email protected].
