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Ada Public Library

Bob McCurdy sworn in as Ada Public Library board member

By Monty Siekerman

Bob McCurdy receives the oath of office Monday evening as a Ada Public Libary board member, becoming the seventh member of the board.

He was named to the position by the school board, which has one member from the school on the library board. Bob, whose term expires in 2019, replaces Michael Hertig. Bob was appointed co-chair of the board's building and grounds/development and planning committee.

Teen writing group at the library catching on

By Monty Siekerman
Isabella Mancuso leads a teen writing group that meets at Ada Public Library at 6:30 p.m. every other Monday. From 8 to 12 teens attend. All teens are welcome to join.

She said, "The purpose of the group is to let people write and help people write. We bounce ideas off each other and support each other. We all love writing and we love to read our friends' stories."

More "yums" from Wednesday night at the library

We are still stuck on chocolate. Here's a couple more photos from the chocolate fest' at the Ada Public Library on Wednesday.

• Photo above: White chocolate on the outside, dark chocolate inside.

• Photo below: Single chocolate, double chocolate...probably triple chocolate pie.

(Monty Siekerman photos)



It's all in the wrist

The Crochet Club met at the Ada Public Library on Wednesday evening.

Here, Connie Crouse (left) crochets while Cathy Heckart knits. The club meets regularly at the library, no dues, no officers, very informal, all are welcome.

The group numbers from 2 to 12 to quilt, cross stitch, crochet, and knit items from the size of baby boots to bed coverings. Sometimes one member teaches another in the various ways to produce items from material.

The club has been meeting at the library for three years. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Ada Library receives Libri Foundation Grant

The Ada Public Library is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a BOOKS for CHILDREN Grant from the Libri Foundation, according to Amanda Bennett, library director.

Through this grant, the Ada Public Library will receive:

4th Annual Chocolate Bake-Off

Interested in winning a 1lb of Dietsch Brothers Chocolate, and bragging rights?!

Stop by the Ada Library, or call 419-634-5246 to sign-up for this fun event. The rules are, there are no rules other than you create a dessert that features chocolate!
Not a baker? NO PROBLEM! The public is welcome to join us in sampling lots of great desserts--this year the winners will be decided by people's choice, so everyone's vote matters!

Wednesday, February 3rd, 6p.m. at the Ada Library
