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Living in Ada

Village of Ada notifications available by email, text and app

Signup is available at Click on the blue "receive updates" button at top right.

The Village of Ada is reminding residents and others in the area that notifications are available for a variety of communications. 

Letter: ACE Day organizers are lining up community service projects

By Katerina Hinkle
International Service Coordinator, ONU Office of Global Initiatives

I am reaching out as a member of ONU's 2024 ACE Day Committee. ACE Day stands for "Ada Community Engagement Day."

2024 Ada Community Pool: Frequently asked questions

The Ada Municipal Pool has provided the following information based on frequently asked questions for the 2024 season. The pool is located at Ada's War Memorial Park and opened on Saturday, May 25.

Daily Swim: 1:00-8:00 p.m.
$5 per person, free for children 3 and under

Monday-Friday from 12:00-1:00 p.m.
This is for adults who are interested in swimming for exercise. Cost: $10.00/person for a 11 session punch card or $1 per session. Pool Passes are not accepted for lap swim.

Tuesdays from 8:00-10:00 p.m.
$3 per person with no reentry. Ages 13+

Regular Season: $70 Single | $240 Family
Passes can only be purchased at the Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye

For updates including weather closures, visit the pool's Facebook page HERE.

Weather damage to Ada area barn on May 26

From Facebook

Hometown Stations meteorologist Conner Prince reported wind damage in the Ada area on Sunday, May 26. He received a photograph of damage to a barn east of Ada from Lee Savino and Don Spar.

Invitation to sing with Noteworthy Community Choir

The Noteworthy Community Choir is gearing up to begin its summer season of singing. 

Here's the invite: "Our repertoire is a combination of sacred and secular music, and we are always looking for new members who love to sing in three or four part harmony. 

"If you are interested in joining us, please contact our director, Vicki Mills, at 419-679-8259, or [email protected] to schedule an informal audition. 

Ada Liberty Conservation Club announces fishing derby winners

SLIDESHOW Photos by Teri Salyer, Dave Salyer, Carlie Oldfield and Ashley Stuart

The Ada Liberty Conservation Club held its annual fishing derby on Sunday, May 19. The following winners were announced:


First Fish
- Aubri Theis

Largest Trout
- Harper Conner

Smallest Trout
- Aubrey Hibbard

Largest Catfish
- Elliott Salyer

Smallest Catfish
- Nova Thatcher

Largest Panfish
- Caroline Salyer

Smallest Panfish
- Jupiter Jenkins


First Fish
- Weston Kregle

Largest Trout
- Zyler Long

Smallest Trout
- Zeneth Long

Largest Catfish
- Bentley Barnes

Smallest Catfish
Arthur Bidlechase

Largest Panfish
- Gavin Oldfield

Smallest Panfish
- Scott Tucker


