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Dr. Samuel Heiks: Foot Pain. When to start running again?

Dr. Heiks is a board certified Family Medicine doctor and lives in  Bluffton, Ohio.

Dear Dr. Heiks: This summer I started running and have really enjoyed walk/running about 3 miles 3-4 times a week. When I run I have improved energy and mood. However, my 50-year-old feet aren't so happy. I think I developed plantar fasciitis: my feet started to feel stiff and uncomfortable when I got up in the morning or after I sat for a long period.

Amy Fanous tells Kiwanis members about the Health Wire program at ONU

President Myrna McCurdy called the sixth meeting (November 6th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:02 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The following guests were introduced: Amy Fanous Pharmacy Resident ONU Health Wise (speaker); Katie Lorson and Allie Puntel, ONU Circle K.

Member Accomplishments: Joe Ferguson reported that books had been purchased for Head Start children as part for the annual Christmas Luncheon/Auction. They will need to be taken to Head Start in McGuffey. Bob McCurdy was also thanked for his excellent presentation at last night’s Town and Gown Banquet. Jim Turner was named 2012 Distinguished Citizen of the Year.

Kyle Gratz picks 15 correct games in Icon's college/NLF football contest

The winner of this week's Icon college/NLF football contest is Kyle Gratz.  He correctly picked all 15 games.  

Other contestants:

14 correct - Bill Edwards, Duane Bollenbacher, Jim Dillman, Ken Von Lehmden, Nancy Armour and Todd Fleharty.
13 correct - Brandon Huber, John Clevidence and Tater Hooker.
12 correct - Mandy LeVeck, Mike Burris and Tom Heimann.
11 correct - Randy Stewart.
10 correct - Adelyn Althaus and Mark Sommers.
8 correct - Richard Goodenbour.

Apollo teacher receives Teacher of Distinction award

Apollo Career Center announces that The Ohio Restaurant Association Education Foundation has selected Carrie Hamilton, Apollo Career Center, as Teacher of Distinction in the area of hospitality and food production as part of the Ohio ProStart program for the 2012-13 school year.

ProStart is a program that requires not only teaching the curriculum, but a commitment to offering students opportunities for expanded experiences in the restaurant industry. In the letter of announcement ProStart stated: "Culinary Arts Instructor Carrie Hamilton has done all of that, and more, and we are happy to honor her achievements as she is awarded the title Teacher of Distinction for 2012-13.

Dave Reese, Mt. Cory Christmas tree farmer, guest of Kiwanis

President Myrna McCurdy called the fifth meeting (October 30th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The following guests were introduced: Arlene Allison, guest of Scott Allison; Robert Sprague; and Dave Reese, program speaker.

The birthdays of Mark Shull (October 31) and Bill Fuller (November 4th were celebrated in song.

Joe Ferguson was thanked for his efforts on the Halloween Parade, even though the event was cancelled due to inclement weather.

In business:
-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.

Jayme Jarrett named Outstanding New Professional


Jayme Jarrett, financial aid counselor at Ohio Northern University, was named the Outstanding New Professional at the Midwest Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (MASFAA) annual conference in Milwaukee, Wis., from Oct. 14-17. 

MASFAA includes financial aid professionals from colleges and universities in nine states. This award is given annually to recognize the outstanding contribution of one new professional to the financial aid profession. The recipient must have been in the profession for less than five years and made outstanding contributions at the institutional, state, regional or national levels.
