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Mark Shull and Charles Van Dyne join Ada Kiwanis 50-year club

Myrna McCurdy called the eleventh meeting (December 11th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 11:30 a.m. at the Ada Visiting Nurses Community Room, Ada.

The invocation was given by Jon Umphress.

Members and guests were welcomed.

Bryan Marshall reported on our Christmas benevolence project. Two Families were assisted with Christmas gift certificates.

The following long-time club members were presented Legion of Honor awards by Secretary Brian Myers: Bryan Marshall, 25 years; Mike Hood, 30 years; Bruce Neely, 35 years; Mark Shull and Charles Van Dyne, 50 years.

Duane Bollenbacher wins Icon football contest number 2

The winner of The Icon Football Contest 2 cumulative totals is Duane Bollenbacher . He accumulated 69 points to win the title.

Other contestants:

Ada Kiwanis will assist in serving St. Mark's Christmas dinner

Here are the minutes of the lates Kiwanis Club meeting:

President Myrna McCurdy called the tenth meeting (December 4th, 2012) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 12:00 noon in McIntosh Center, ONU.

Opening Gong/ My Country ‘Tis of Thee / Pledge of Allegiance
Invocation by Jon Umphress
Recognition of Guests/Members: Allie Puntel, ONU Circle K

Members’ Birthdays: Claudia Crawford, December 3rd; and Scott Wills, December 10th
Membership Anniversaries: Bruce Neely (December 1, 1975.)  

She hates needles, but is a regular blood donor; Thursday is Ada's next blood drive

NOTE: The next American Red Cross blood drive in Ada is Thursday, Dec. 6, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ohio Northern University in McIntosh.

By Alli Walbolt, Icon intern

Each year in the United States, 5 million patients need blood and every person who gives blood can save three lives. However, the American Red Cross has had shortage of blood donations recently and needs more people to give.

Only 7% of people have the blood type O negative, the universal donor, and only 38% are eligible to give blood. These statistics make it hard for patients to find a donor, which causes many of them to have to wait and suffer the consequences.

Miss Ohio 2012 sendoff celebration to be held at Ohio Northern University


Ohio Northern University’s Freed Center for the Performing Arts will be the site of a Miss Ohio 2012 sendoff celebration in honor of Elissa McCracken, ONU student and current Miss Ohio, on Sunday, Dec. 9, at 4 p.m.

The celebration will feature a performance from McCracken, who also will preview several select items from her Miss America apparel. In addition, seven other pageant contestants are scheduled to perform, including Ohio Northern students Layne Schneider, Miss Crystal Lake and a senior communication arts major from Dayton, Ohio, and Kelsey Barrett, Miss West Central Ohio and a freshman theatre arts major from Wapakoneta, Ohio.

Kiwanis Club will make donation to ReStore Beacon Fund

President Myrna McCurdy called the 9th meeting (November 27th) of the 2012–2013 Ada Kiwanis year to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

Allie Puntel and Katie Lorson, ONU Circle K were welcomed as guests.

In business:
