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Regional news

Rain in short supply in Ada in May

For the time period of May 1-May 31, Extension rainfall reporters recorded an average of 3.40 inches of rain in Hardin County. Last year, the average rainfall for the same time period was 7.21 inches. Rainfall for May was 0.99 inches less than the ten-year average rainfall for the month. Liberty Township (Ada area ) had the lowest rainfall amount for the month of May with 2.15 inches.

Here's the swim registration form!

For Red Cross swim lessons at the Ada Pool


American Red Cross swimming lessons will be held at the Ada Municipal Swimming Pool on July 16-20 (M-F) and July 23-27 (M-F).  Children ages 5 and older by July 16, 2018 and adults are welcome to sign-up for lessons. Saundra Neely, volunteer water safety instructor, will be in charge of the lessons.
The registration fee will be $3 per student. The program is limited to the first 75 students; and 25 students  per level.  Those interested are asked to complete the accompanying form for each swimmer with the $3 fee.  

Blueberries - get 'em from Ada music students

Summer Music Booster fundraiser

It’s summer and who wants blueberries?

Ada Music Boosters are selling blueberries as a fundraiser to support the 2018-19 student music programs.

Blueberries are available at $32 for 10 pounds. The order deadline is July 9. Order pick-up takes place at the Ada park on July 12.

The blueberries are from New Jersey. To order your berries contact any Ada music student.

Exotic Zoo in Ada

Ken Collins, with camera in hand, visited the Exotic Zoo in Ada on Monday. The zoo happened to be at the United Methodist Church as part of the Ada Public Library summer reading program activities. About 200 people, mostly youngsters, were on hand to see, touch, and learn about all kinds of critters. The library held the program at the nearby church because a large attendance was expected, and the size of the crowd didn’t disappoint. Exotic Zoo personnel bring animals and birds that were mostly born at their zoo near Detroit.

(Ken Collins photos)

Looks like a very busy June and July in Ada

Here's the Icon's two-month Ada Hometown Happenings

All indications point to a very busy June and July in Ada.

The June-July Ada Icon Home Happenings calendar, compiled by Darlene Bowers, reveals just how busy things will get over the next 60 days or so.

The calendar provides details of events taking place in Ada at:

• Ada schools
• Ohio Northern University
• The Freed Center
• The Inn at ONU
• Community events
• Ada Public Library

The calendar is attached at the bottom of this story is is printer-friendly.

Ken Collins’ camera proves it was a busy weekend at ONU

It’s been a busy weekend on campus in addition to it being Alumni Weekend. Here are Ken Collins’ photos of The Cadets, a world class drum and bugle corps, whose members are making ONU their home for two weeks while they prepare their formations and music for shows that will be held from Coast to Coast during the rest of summer..
