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Once upon a time Ada had a lumber yard

At the corner of Buckeye and Gilbert streets

By Monty Siekerman
Ada, like many small towns, once had a large, thriving lumber company.

In Ada it was first known as Root King Lumber, then King Lumber. It was located at the corner of Buckeye and Gilbert streets.

The Village of Ada now owns the property. The building is locally known as the Blue Building (blue siding has been applied) and is used for storage. The lumber yard area has been turned into a parking lot for the public and for the police vehicles and workers at the adjacent City Building.

Ada's ice house has interesting history

And, Ada Historical Society has the story

By Monty Siekerman
Know where the Ice House Recycling is across the railroad tracks from Keith’s Hardware? It’s an old brick building in the rear with a new part added onto the front but has stood idle for decades. The weathered sign still says Ice House Recycling and Propane Fill Station.

The original building was put up by Storer Bros Co, which dealt in butter, eggs, and poultry from area farms. The company located along the railroad tracks so that the merchandise, kept cold with ice, could quickly be put on trains.

Crop prices higher

Here is how Ohio crop prices are compared to a month ago and a year ago with corn, beans, and wheat all doing somewhat better.

March corn, at $3.79 per bushel, increased $0.15 from February and increased $0.10 from last year; 

March soybeans, at $10.10 per bushel, increased $0.28 from last month and increased $0.18 from last year; 

March wheat, at $4.90 per bushel, increased $0.44 from February and increased $0.68 from last year.

Remembering Ada area's Civil War vets

Memorial bricks dedicated on Memorial Day

UPDATE JUNE 2023: A list of the 81 veterans is HERE.

By Monty Siekerman
ONU and the Village of Ada are joining together to honor Civil War veterans from Ada and Liberty Township.

After much research, the names of 81 veterans of the War Between the States have been found and their names, rank and unit will be inscribed on bricks and placed at the foot of the Civil War era canon in Railroad Park. The canon is a monument to those men who fought to preserve the Union and free a people.

Ada Troop 124 100th Anniversary Dinner

Boy Scout Troop 124 held its 100th anniversary dinner at Camp Berry, Findlay, on Saturday April 14.  Prior to dinner Don Spar, Cubmaster Pack 124, gave golf cart tours of the camp to anyone that wanted one.

It's not over until it's over

Last day of school closing in, but there's still lots of learning going on

It's May and the school-year countdown is underway. Here's a listing of all the event taking place in Ada Elementary between now and the last day of the school year.

Wednesday, May 2 - 5th grade cyber safety discussion
Thursday, May 3 - 4th grade field trip to Armstrong Air and Space Museum
Thursday, May 3 - Elementary Art Show (5:00-6:30 p.m.)
Friday, May 4 - Reading Carnival
Monday, May 7-8 - Kindergarten Screening
Monday, May 7 - 1st grade field trip to Findlay
