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Regional news

Ada's snow-capped mountain

The snow-capped mountains of Ada. See the skier? Actually, this is just a tall pile of rocks to be used for the Willeke Street project. Stones are covered in this morning’s snow. The Ada Icon has readers from all 50 states each month, so we might need to explain to those who have never been here that Ada is hill-less, very much so...flat but good for growing corn.

Old Man Winter won't leave

Golden retriever Abby enjoys a game of football in the snow this morning. It’s more football weather than tennis time this year on April 19. You look out the window and think, “I’m going to cry.” Or, you can say, “How beautiful.” No matter how you look at it, Old Man Winter doesn’t want to leave this year. 2018 may just be one of those years when we go from cold right into hot summer. Stay tuned.

Ada...a year ago.

New sculpture on campus

The sculpture of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is now prominently displayed on the ONU campus. Photos by Monty Siekerman are attached.

ONU Observatory sends you to the moon on Friday

Telescopes available for public viewing from 9 to 11 p.m.

The ONU Astronomy Club invites Icon viewers to the ONU  Observatory on Friday, April 20, for our "Craters of the Moon" event, according to Dr. Jason Pinkney, observatory director.

He said: "Stop by any time between 9 and 11 p.m. to look through our telescopes or ask questions about the night sky."

On this night, the crescent Moon will be high in the southwest, well placed for view ing. The phase is a good one for seeing interesting lunar featuressuch as the double crater Messier, and Mare Tranquillitatus, where Apollo 11 landed.

Other targets  will include Venus, double stars andstar clusters.

Our events are free to the public.  

Ada High School presents murder mystery


Ada High School Players will present Agatha Christie’s murder mystery “Then There Were None” this weekend. Curtain time is 7 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. on Sunday in the school auditorium. Tickets are only $5. The play is directed by Peg Gordon with Amy Stover the assistant director.

Photo: AHS thespians at rehearsal—Melina Temple (on the floor), Noah Garmon, Brice Ferguson, Audrey Hazelton.
