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For the 105th time!

Ada's community reunion is called Farmers & Merchants Picnic

By Monty Siekerman
The day dawned bright and shiny for the 105th annual Farmers and Merchants picnic. A nice day brings out the crowd for the downtown parade (see Ada Icon parade photos on Monday evening), the picnic, the entertainment, free swimming, and a day of visiting  friends and neighbors at Ada War Memorial Park. In a way, the F&M is like a community reunion since many of those who moved away return to visit those they have known. 

Over the years, the festivities have changed. People don’t bring their picnic baskets to the grove anymore, but rely on sandwiches and sides from vendors. The day was perfect for swimming and you can’t beat the price—free. Also, Saturday was the last day for the pool to be open this season. 

Rain the night before made the grounds too wet for the horse show, but the damp earth did not impede the truck and tractors pulls, which have gained in popularity in recent years. New this year is a large dog park, open 7 days a week from morning until night.

Proceeds from many of the activities (food sales, amusements, ring toss, for example) go into park improvements.
