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Rachel Temple's latest reading interest is Bill O'Reilly's series

By Darlene Bowers

“And so it is that Simon—whom Jesus renames Peter, meaning “rock”—
becomes Jesus’s first disciple.”

― Bill O'Reilly, Killing Jesus: A History

Rachel Temple, Teacher, Ada Schools, 40+ year Ada resident

Killing Jesus: A History by Bill O’Reilly is Rachel Temple’s favorite book. There are now eight books in O’Reilly’s blockbuster “Killing” series. These non-fiction works are about the deaths of some of the most influential people in history.

Killing Jesus: A History recounts the life and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth and asserts that it includes events that can be proven as historical fact. The books are written in the style of a novel, not a history book.

This narrative history style adds to its popularity and provides a more story-based format improving readability for a wider appeal. O’Reilly states in the preface of the book that the work is not “religious” and addresses Jesus “only as a man who galvanized a remote area of the Roman Empire and made very powerful enemies while preaching a philosophy of peace and love.”

Killing Jesus: A History topped The New York Times bestseller list for 52 weeks. The other books in the series have also topped the bestseller list.

Rachel Temple is currently reading Matthew’s Story by Tim LaHaye and five other books Rachel recommends are:
• Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly (nonfiction)
• Killing Kennedy by Bill O’Reilly (nonfiction)
• Mark’s Story by Tim LaHaye (historical fiction)
• Return to Me by Lynn Austin (historical fiction)
• Keepers of the Covenant by Lynn Austin (historical fiction)

So what are your favorite books? What books do you recommend to others? Join in, fill out the Ada Icon/Ada Public Library Favorite Book Survey (see attachment below or pick one up at the library) and submit your recommendations. Let’s start a reading revolution or at least have a spectacular time sampling all sorts of reads and exploring the Ada Public Library.