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An Ada business since 1986, Carol Slane Florist is Business of the Year

By Paula Scott

At the recent annual luncheon hosted by the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce, Business of the Year honors were awarded to Carol Slane Florist. The shop has served customers in Ada since 1986, when Carol Slane came to the village at the encouragement of customers at her home-based business. Her daughter Shannan Brown now runs the business in the big white house at 410 S Main St.

Brown’s parents, husband and staff members Sandy Turner and Paula Braun were at the luncheon at the Inn at Ohio Northern University. The Icon asked Brown for a history of the shop and learned that Carol Slane opened the shop “ the week before Valentine's Day, which wasn't her wisest move–but it ended up being a good move. She hit the ground running and never looked back.”

Later that year, when Carol said she needed a new bookkeeper, Shannan said she could help “temporarily.” At the time, she was about to graduate from high school. After going to college for a while, she decided that the flower shop was where she wanted to be: “I love the people–we've got the greatest customers. I enjoy the flowers and the creative aspect of it.”


Brown describes the business, which specializes in custom fresh flowers, ready to go bouquets, silk arrangements and plants, as very seasonal. It is exceptionally busy in December, February and May.

During the Icon’s visit, customers walked in to make corsage orders. Brown points out that custom orders are best handled by a phone call or by stopping in the shop. Orders can also be placed on the Carol Slane website.

What makes customers say “I didn’t know that!”? Brown pointed out that customers can bring in their own containers for floral arrangements–whether for sentimental or practical reasons. Another a-ha! Idea: the shop makes treat baskets for university students on birthdays and exam weeks.

Carol Slane Florist hours are 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Monday-Friday and 9:00 a.m.-noon on Saturday. For information about the communities and care facilities served by the business, visit 
