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John Berg is next Ada Kiwanis Club president

President Heather Cox called the May 13 weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.

- Jon Umphress offered the invocation.
- The 90th birthday of member Al Baillis (May 11th) was noted. Members signed a special card for him.
- The membership anniversary of member Matt Crawford (May 12, 2013) was noted.
- The wedding anniversary of Jeff and Anne Shulman (May 7, 1977) was also noted.
- President Cox reported that her son, Branden, wrote an essay that was honored at a state competition with a $100 award.  Bryan reported that Samantha Crawford (daughter of Matt and Claudia) was confirmed into the Methodist Church a couple of weeks ago.

In business:
-Treasurer Bryan Marshall provided members with an updated financial report.
-The satellite blub will meet tomorrow at 6 the community Health Professionals Building
-It was reported that that the Bike Rodeo/Safety Day for kids held last Saturday was attended by 6 Kiwanis members and 30 kids. Some suggestions were made for future events.
-The club will present four scholarships to Ada High School senior students tomorrow night at the annual awards dinner. John Berg and Jon Umphress will be presenting the scholarships.  
-On May 20th Ada Rotary is inviting the club to their meeting.
-The annual club election for the 2014-2015 officers was held. The slate of officers was approved. Officers elected include: President, John Berg; President Elect: Brian Myers; Vice President, David MacDonald; Secretary, Bill Fuller; Treasurer, Bryan Marshall; Immediate Past-President, Heather Cox; and Directors Joe Ferguson, Charles VanDyne and Tom Kier.
-Information on the Ada Public Library Summer Reading Program was handed out to the members.
-The club’s annual Chicken BBQ Dinner is set for Friday, July 11 in the Liberty-National Bank parking lot beginning at 5 p.m. The meal will consist of the following: half chicken, applesauce, baked beans, and roll. This event will held in conjunction with the Buy Ada First program.
-The Hugh O’Brian Youth program (HOBY) has contacted the club regarding their annual Youth Leadership Program scheduled for June. The club will sponsor one youth to attend the event.
-Thank you letters were received from The Village of Ada Tree Commission and the Ada Public Library.
-The club’s annual Spaghetti Dinner is set for Thursday, October 23.
-The next Board meeting is immediately following the recular club meeting on June 3.
-The club will sponsor American red Cross Red Cross swimming lessons on the weeks of July 7 and 14. The lessons will be 10:30-noon.
-Kiwanis Education Minute: Club bylaws set a limit of 90 minutes for a club meeting, from the time when the meeting is called to order until it is adjourned. Clubs are required to conduct meetings at least twice per month.
-Something to Ponder: If money doesn’t grow on trees, then why do banks have branches?

Upcoming Meetings/Events
May 20 – Rotary Meeting at the ONU Inn
May 27 – Jolene Bailey
June 3 – Charles VanDyne Board Meeting (following regular meeting)
June 10 – Mark Light
June 11 – Division 2 Summer Meeting - at Waterworks Park in Delphos
June 17 – Dave MacDonald
June 24 – Myrna McCurdy
July 11 – Friday, Chicken Barbeque Event in Ada

The 50/50 drawing to support the Eliminate Project: Bryan Marshall was the winner.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at noon at McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.