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ONU to present discussion of ‘Peace Corps: What it Means to Serve’

Ohio Northern University presents 2006 graduate Amanda Horvath, who will discuss “Peace Corps: What It Means to Serve,” in the Dicke Forum on Sunday, Feb. 17, at 7 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Horvath joined the Peace Corps in 2007 and, as part of her Peace Corps duties, spent 30 months in Paraguay working with Paraguayan teachers and developing extracurricular programs for children. While in Paraguay, she formed a youth eco-club with a core group of about a 10 high school and college-aged students.

Horvath is employed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as a fish and wildlife biologist in Denver, a position she’s held since returning from Paraguay in 2010. Since coming back, Horvath has been active with Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Colorado, a group for which she serves on the board of directors and coordinates initiatives focusing on welcoming home the newest returned volunteers.

Horvath continues to volunteer in the community by working in a community garden and helping restore hiking trails, among other things. She also volunteers with a local NGO called Groundwork Denver on community environmental initiatives in the Spanish-speaking communities around Denver.