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Ohio Northern Model United Nations team garners honorable mention honors

The Ohio Northern University Model United Nations team was presented with an honorable mention delegation award at NMUN•NY 2013, the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference in New York City from March 24-28.

ONU, representing the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, claimed the prestigious honor at the international conference, which draws more than 5,000 students annually and has participants from all over the world. (Approximately 50 percent of the participants are from outside the U.S.) At the conference, the delegations discuss current global issues on 20 selected committees.

The fundamental basis of the NMUN simulation is collaboration and cooperation among nations, which includes working together through multilateral diplomacy. To receive a delegation award, participating schools attend committee meetings throughout the event and are evaluated on their performance and graded on different criteria, such as remaining “in character,” participating in committee and proper use of rules of procedure.

Franklin Howard, a senior history major from Akron, Ohio, won an “Outstanding Position Paper” award for the work he submitted to the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

“Our delegation did an outstanding job throughout the event and did a tremendous job representing ONU on a national scale,” said Tristin Kilgallon, visiting assistant professor in criminal justice. “The delegation award, along with the individual honor, shows our students were well-prepared and passionate about participating in this event.”

ONU was represented by Hannah Allen, a sophomore political science major from Troy, Ohio; Victoria Army, a junior criminal justice major from Lafayette, Ohio; Andrew Crozier, a senior graphic design major from Ada, Ohio; Katie Deeter, a junior political science major from Troy, Ohio; Regine Jean-Michel, a freshman nursing major from Milton, Mass.; James D. Lee, a junior political science major from Highland Heights, Ohio; Sarah Lewer, a sophomore management major from Indianapolis, Ind.; Mary Miller, a sophomore criminal justice major from Clyde, N.C.; Jeehye Min, an exchange student general studies major from Namdong-gu, South Korea; Bradley Nungester, a junior criminal justice major from Ada, Ohio; Kirk Stein, a freshman criminal justice major from Las Vegas, Nev.; and Yuki Tada, a senior international studies major from Akita-shi, Japan.

While in New York, the students also had the opportunity to meet with Daniel Yilma Workie of the Permanent Mission of Ethiopia to the United Nations. Workie discussed the latest developments in Ethiopian foreign policy.

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