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Three community groups receive donations from Junior Civic League

Boots for Bulldogs, Ada school cafeteria fund and public library summer reading program

Ada Junior Civic League members know the value of pecan sales.

Earlier this week, the league distributed $1,000 in proceeds from this year’s peacan sales to three Ada organizations.

Checks included:
• $600 to Ada schools Boots for Bulldogs program,
• $200 to the Ada school lunch program, and
• $200 to the Ada Public Library’s summer reading program.

Presenting the checks in behalf of the league were Sherry Evans, president, and Bev Romick, special projects chair.

The Ada Junior Civic League has annually supported many community projects. In recent years, in addition to this year’s donations, the league has also supported the ReStore lunch in the park program, resurfacing of the Ada park tennis courts, Red Cross for Hurricane Harvey aid, and to the Ada food pantry.

Members wrap up the year on May 13 with husbands and guests for dinner at Helmuth’s, Bellefontaine. Members may meet at the Railroad Park at 5 p.m. to carpool. The May 13 program includes a review of the year and installation of officers for the coming year.
