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Thank you letter

This is a Letter to the Editor to say "Thanks." Ada Icon readers write Letters to the Editor to say thanks or express a concern, but this note is from the editor himself because of an unexpected gift.

Sometimes, the unexpected is the best, no matter the dollar value.

In this case, I was traveling through McDonald's drive thru on Saturday, as I do every morning with my dog, before we head out to Ada War Memorial Park for sone exercise...and a little socialization, too, if there are other puppies and owners on hand
After ordering my large coffee with 4 sugars for a buck (the good people at McDonald's know my voice and what my order will be), I headed to the pay window to give them my George Washington. The money-taker said the coffee had been paid for. I asked her who paid for it so I could thank them. She said a driver gave her $50 to pay for the next several orders.

That's what is called "paying it forward." And, I thank the anonymous donor. It was only a buck, but it brightened my day.

As I've covered the community as a local newsman for the past few years, I've come to realize how many people and organizations help others, mostly anonymously, with their time, talents, and gifts.

Your help, if you are one of the Givers-of-Ada, makes a difference in people's lives, it truly does. Pat yourself on the back...and keep up the good work.

Monty Siekerman,
Editor, Ada Icon
