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Ada summer reading program begins Saturday

There will be a rockin’ good time at the Ada Public Library this summer with the kickoff planned for 10 a.m. until 1:45 p.m.on  Saturday, June 2. The program continues until July 14. The summer reading program includes weeks of entertainment, learning, STEAM (Science. Technology. Engineering. Art. Math.) activities, and prizes. 


Natalie Walton, youth services coordinator, said, “Traditionally, summer reading programs are designed to encourage elementary-aged children to keep reading during summer vacation. Preventing the “summer slide” continues to be the main objective of summer reading programs. 


“For many families with elementary-aged children, the public library is the only community space available during the summer months where they can access free educational and cultural enrichment activities and programs.


“The benefits of summer reading programming for children:

• Children are motivated to read.

• Children develop positive attitudes about reading, books, and the library.

• Children maintain their reading skills during summer vacation.

• Children have access to experiences that further their sense of discovery.

• Children have access to experiences through which they can learn to work cooperatively.”


Adults can sign-up, as well.