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Mark Shull and Charles Van Dyne join Ada Kiwanis 50-year club

Myrna McCurdy called the eleventh meeting (December 11th) of the 2012–2013 Kiwanis Year to order at 11:30 a.m. at the Ada Visiting Nurses Community Room, Ada.

The invocation was given by Jon Umphress.

Members and guests were welcomed.

Bryan Marshall reported on our Christmas benevolence project. Two Families were assisted with Christmas gift certificates.

The following long-time club members were presented Legion of Honor awards by Secretary Brian Myers: Bryan Marshall, 25 years; Mike Hood, 30 years; Bruce Neely, 35 years; Mark Shull and Charles Van Dyne, 50 years.

Upcoming meetings/Events:
12/18/12 Meet at New China-Joe Ferguson program
12/25/12 Merry Christmas (no meeting)
1/01/13 Happy New Year (no meeting)
1/08/13 Marilyn Green
1/15/13 Bill Fuller

Members and guests participated in the annual Christmas auction. 52 items were awarded to successful bidders. Santa and his elf were the guest auctioneers.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12:00 noon at McIntosh Center, ONU.

Guests are always welcome.

For more information, visit the club web site at
