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Kiwanis gets EMS update from Tom Miller

President Myrna McCurdy called the Tuesday March 26th meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at noon at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.

The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

Tom Miller of the Ada EMT squad was welcomed as a guest.

The membership anniversary of member Bill Fuller (March 26, 2009) was noted.

Members agreed that the 61st annual Pancake and Sausage Day was very successful.

In business:
-Members were updated on club finances by Bryan Marshall, Treasurer.
-Heather Cox, Brian Marshall, and Jon Umphress reported on Pancake Day results. Members were also thanked for their efforts in making the project very successful.
-The induction of new members and dinner meeting will be held on Wednesday April 3rd at the Community Health Professionals Building. It will begin at 6:00 p.m. with a potluck dinner. There will be no noon meeting on Tuesday.
-The club will host the Restore crock pot meal on April 16th. The menu will be pancakes and sausage,
-The Kiwanis Key Leader is set for April 26th-28th in Ashley Ohio. The club will sponsor two students for the event.
-Member Amanda Bennett provided the weekly joke.

Upcoming Events/Programs:

4/09 - Marilyn Green
4/16 - Brian Myers

Tom Miller on the Ada-Liberty EMS squad was the guest speaker.He has been an EMT since 1982 and chief of the squad which has 19 members.They made 569 calls in 2012 run by the volunteer service.  There were 4 DOA for the year. They can do a lot of very advanced procedures in the field such as (intubation, EKG, IV inserted into a bone for trauma)

There were 10 total assists were provided from area squads and they used 4 air transports last year.

There were 40 calls for children under the age of 18.

He discussed why children are so vulnerable to trauma due to their small body mass, their heads are larger (it is just barely supported by the neck); the proportions of organ size (heart) to their body leads to significant trauma; and even the large size of a child’s tong results in some significant challenges. He talked about the fact that children can become unstable very, very quickly. He discussed the ABC priority (airway, breathing and circulation), some the drugs and procedures they use in the field.

Tom went to explain the scale (GCS) that they use to communicate to the hospital the level of trauma and that with children it is critical to get them to the hospital without delay.
Miller concluded his remarks by answering questions from the membership.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:04 p.m.

The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at noon in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.
For more information, visit the club’s web site at
