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Maybe Leap Year Day should be a special holiday

By Monty Siekerman
How did you spend Leap Year Day?

Probably, like any other day: going to work on Monday, beginning another week or, if you are elderly, making appointments with doctors and labs.

So, we asked: how did you celebrate Leap Year Day. The consistent answer: nothing special, just another day, went about my daily routine.

Merchants are letting a good opportunity go by. No Leap Year greeting cards or flower specials, no abundance of red, white, and blue flags.

Maybe we could turn this special unspecial day into Tire-Rotating Day, or something
other holidays have found their niche - beer drinking for St. Patrick's Day even if you aren't Irish, roses galore for Valentines, hanging plastic pumpkins from shrubs at Halloween.

Leap Year is good for frogs, but how many frogs do you see in February, and, besides, it's pretty difficult too train frogs to leap where you want then to.

Even groundhogs have their day.

Well, you have 1,460 days until next Leap Year get to work. Form committees, appoint subcommittees, name chairmen.

We need another national holiday to take off work. America won't produce much that day, no matter. We could have a raucous time, spend fistfuls of cash, and be happy.

See you in 1,460 days.
