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Auglaize Bible Church holds Scout Sunday

Auglaize Bible Church held Scout Sunday on Feb. 8. Melanie Butterfield, Jacob Butterfield, and Mason Kirkpatrick were greeters. During the flag ceremony the pledge of Allegiance was led by Miranda K and carried by Eve Brown. Mason  carried the Christian flag and pledge led by Jacob.

Samuel Brown read a piece of scripture from Psalm 40 and prayed. Emily Brown played harmonica for offering while the offering was taken by Mason, Jacob, Sam, and Jared Hunt.

The scouts sang trust and obey as special music.

Those in attendance were:
• Mason Kirkpatrick from Pack 11, Allen East Cub Scouts
• Jacob Butterfield and Jared Hunt from Boy Scout Troop 124, Ada 
• Venture Scouts (co-ed Boy Scouts) Crew 601, Lima;  Samuel, Emily, and Elisabeth Brown and Melanie and Brandon Butterfield.
• From Girl Scout Troop 20301 Miranda Kirkpatrick, Evelyn Brown, Melanie Butterfield

The Boy Scouts of America designates the Sunday that falls before Feb. 8 (Scouting Anniversary Day) as Scout Sunday, which is the primary date to recognize the contributions of young people to Scouting.

Auglaize Bible Church chooses to recognize all Scouts on this date whether it be Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, or Venture Scouts.
