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Letter: We have a great school; we should support the Nov. 6 tax levy

Icon viewers:

I am writing in support of the Ada Exempted Village Schools’ 2.9 mill permanent improvement levy that will face the Ada voters on November 6, 2018. 

As a RENEWAL tax, this five-year levy is not a new tax nor a tax increase.  The purpose of this tax is to provide permanent improvements for the school district.   By definition, this includes assets or site improvements which will last longer than five years.  Therefore, this levy is not permitted to be used for general operations, including salaries and benefits.

Letter to Editor

Fire levy

In this Letter to the Editor of the Ada Icon, the fire department asks for your “Yes” vote on a levy for a new fire truck:

The Ada-Liberty Township Fire Department protects the incorporated area of Ada, 36 square miles of Liberty Township and 10 square miles in Orange Township, Hancock County.

In 1990, the fire department took delivery of the first fire truck of its kind in the area. Engine 53 carries 2,500 gallons of water for rural fires, 900 feet of 5 inch hose for supplying water from hydrants, 500 feet of 3 inch hose, and 550 feet of 1 3/4 inch attack lines.  

Letter: RENEW 4-H - Vote YES on Issue 6

Hardin County Voters:

On November 6, I ask for your support on Issue 6, OSU Extension Levy. This RENEWAL levy generates financial support for programs in our county such as 4-H, Agriculture & Natural Resources, Family Consumer Science, and SNAP Education. Because of the local share, financial support is returned to our county in matching state, federal and grant dollars. Without local dollars, the state and federal dollars would not be provided to OSU Extension.

Letter: Issue 1 on Nov. 6 is wrong for crime victims

Icon viewers:

Issue 1 on the Nov. 6 ballot does not just reduce sentences for non-violent drug crimes, it also shortens the amount of time spent in prison by 25% for almost all violent crimes.  

Thousands of criminals could be released early for Aggravated Murder (but not “murder,”) Aggravated Rape (but not “rape,”) Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Felonious Assault, Aggravated Robbery, and every other horrific felony crime you can think of, due to its specific language.

Permanent Improvement Levy is important to Ada schools

Icon viewers:

The Nov. 6 ballot includes an important issue for voters in the Ada Exempted
Village Schools community who have the opportunity to help the district
continue its excellence.

This is not a new tax or a tax increase. Renewal of the five-year, 2.9-mill
permanent improvement levy will ensure the district has the needed funds for
textbooks, new technology, security upgrades, new buses, building repairs and
school equipment.

Voters in Ada have approved permanent improvement levies since 1975, with
strong support. Doing so also has helped ensure a strong community.

Letter: Continue the excellence in our schools

Support November’s Ada school levy

Dear Ada Community,
It didn’t take me long to learn that our vision of “Aspiring to excel in all areas of the school experience” is not just words.  

Ada Schools really lives this vision. We share it with students and staff alike, and refer to it when making decisions. Recent successes at Ada Schools include improvements in technology, significant increases in the number of College Credit Plus courses offered on campus, a new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) series of classes, additions to middle school electives, and continued implementation of the Literacy Collaborative to improve reading skills for elementary students.  
